SOBA - Construction Underway! — Matt Richling - Ottawa Condos and Lofts - Ottawa Real Estate For Sale

Matt Richling is a licensed Salesperson with RE/MAX Hallmark Realty Group.

SOBA - Construction Underway!

**For more information about SoBa Condos, check out the dedicated section with regularly updated construction and sales information. CLICK HERE to view.**

After a very quiet spring and summer, construction has officially started on Catherine street for SoBa condos. Being built by Brad Lamb of Lamb Developments (Toronto), this is the second building in Ottawa by the "King of Condos", first being Gotham located on Lyon.

We have been told that the construction crew is currently digging the Slurry Wall, which should last about 100 days for a project of this size. Then the main excavation is able to begin. A building permit was issued on August 27th 2015 to Doran Construction for a partial permit for excavation and shoring and part foundation only. Construction is expected to take two years and be completed in 2017.

Here is the construction site as of this morning - a screen shot from the live youtube camera of "Jimmy Joners" - Click here to view.

Soba Ottawa Construction Progress Condos

Interested in learning more about SoBa condos or downtown condos? I would love to chat - fill out the form below or email me