We last reported (March 13th) that Claridge Moon was set to launch on March 30th. We are now told that Claridge is getting set to launch the latest project “within the next month”, with rumours of the same thing roughly mid to late May. Pricing is still not set, however the Claridge sales agent explained that they will be roughly on par with pricing at Claridge Icon which is starting at $539/sqft, with a building average of approximately $616/sqft.
There is a lot of interest in Claridge Moon for its location and pricing - from both an owner and investor point of view. If you want to stay up to date, and interested in purchasing a pre-construction condo in Ottawa, let’s chat. Fill out the form at the bottom of the page.
**For more information about Claridge Moon, visit our Claridge Moon project page HERE. All information about the project will be located here, including floorplans, renderings, construction update, news articles, pricing, etc. **